Step 1: Get A Ticket

  • Find Us On Eventbrite

  • Pick A Team by choosing the bar you’d like as your first stop. We’ll surprise you with the other two stops, and then at the end of the night - you can hope around to any Kwanzaa Crawl spot you want!

    • Can’t decide? Original choice sold out? Just pick a team! They’re all turnt and teams meet up, crisscross, and mix throughout the event - essentially becoming one giant team by the end of the night. 

    • We cannot add you to a sold out team. Team size is determined by venue capacities. We cannot and will not ignore venue capacities; it’s unsafe, illegal, and causes wrinkles.

Step 2: Secure Your Bands

Wristbands are a must for Kwanzaa Crawl, so you’ll need to make sure you have yours before the event. 

There are two options to get your wristbands: 

Get wristbands in person December 21-22 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard


  • No waiting on the mail

  • Enjoy the Buy Black Pop-Up Shop 

  • Tastings by Casamigos

To get your wristbands in person, you’ll need to make an appointment once we announce they are open. Keep eyes on our social media as well as our newsletter for that announcement.

Get wristbands mailed to you by December 8 


  • No traffic, wristbands come to you

  • Nothing else to add to your schedule

To get your wristbands mailed to you: 

  • Find our event on Eventbrite

  • Select and purchase the wristband shipping add-on 

    • Look all the way at the bottom, below the available tickets

    • You only need to purchase one shipping add-on. We can send multiple bands to one address.

  • Fill out the wristband shipping form to make sure we know where to send what wristbands. Again, you only need to purchase one shipping add-on, regardless of how many tickets you purchased. 

Step 3: Prepare

We Black AF out here and encourage you to be, too. Kwanzaa Crawl is our event, to celebrate and support our community, our way. We want you (and your hair) to take up space! Take the time before the event to rally the crew, get those fits coordinated and shirts printed, start putting aside some cash, make sure you’ve got the day off, etc. We’re about to make noise.

on crawl day

On the day of the event, meet up at the Kick-Off to connect with the rest of your team and to retrieve your Kwanzaa Crawl® map with your team’s route. From there, you’ll all crawl out to your first stop together. Please be on time, because you don’t want your team to leave without you.

Kick-Off times start at 12:30, so it’s a full day event!

Step 4: Meet Your Team

Kwanzaa Crawl starts at the Kick-Off, not your first bar. Different teams may have different Kick-Off times, so be sure to double check yours. Kick-Off times start around 12:30 PM, so it’s a full day event.

Before you walk out your door, make sure you have: 

  • Your 21+ ID

  • Your wristband

  • Comfortable shoes

  • Your Metro card (with funds on it)

  • Any other cards you might need throughout the event

  • Your phone (charged and with a charged portable battery recommended)

Step 5: Party With A Purpose

Direct community action is rarely this much fun, but you can shake that azz all night knowing you’re supporting local Black-owned businesses, black creatives, and charity.